Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eat Local

I try my best to eat local, thank you Boston Organics, and here are a few reasons why it is important:
1. Local produce is much more fresh because it travels a much shorter distance to your kitchen, which means it will last much longer. And less of your produce will go bad before you can eat it!
2. The shorter travel time for your food means less pollution in our environment.
3. When you buy local your money stays in your community, making your local economy stronger.
4. Seasonal eating supports your body's need for particular nutrients during each season.
5. Most important, eating local avoids potential contamination from food traveling internationally.  The EPA has recently reported that trace amounts of radiation from the horrible aftermath of the Japanese nuclear incident has reached the East coast.  To ensure our safety, the FDA has implemented increased screening procedures on imports from Japan. While the EPA assures these levels of radiation are of no worry, that doesn't mean mindful shopping nor being proactive in protecting our health from toxins is any less important.

So eat local!

EPA Detects Radiation on East Coast: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/d0cf6618525a9efb85257359003fb69d/3724de8571e1b03f8525785c00041a7a!OpenDocument
FDA Import Screening:

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