Monday, November 1, 2010

Using Leftovers

At the end of the weekend I typically find myself with leftovers and a need to clean out my fridge. This meal is a perfect example of what a little creativity gets you. This day I had leftover mashed potatoes and quinoa, and I had extra spinach and shitake mushrooms that needed to be used before they went bad. I made my easy shitake, spinach, and black bean hash as a side. For this, I sauteed the shitakes with shoyu and a pinch of SI sea salt, tossed in some black beans, and added the spinach until wilted. Next, I heated up some leftover mashed potatoes, topped them with quinoa, black bean corn salsa, and fresh avocado. (Salsa with mashed potatoes is one of my most favorite dishes-its a must try.) This was a super filling meal and allowed me to use these ingredients before they went bad.

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